
Fast Ejendom & Entreprise

Vores ekspertise inden for fast ejendom og entrepriseret omfatter alle aspekter på området. Vi har en dyb kommerciel forståelse for ejendomsmarkedet og rådgiver i forbindelse med komplekse transaktioner, finansiering, projektudvikling, entreprise, lejeret og miljøret.

Vi rådgiver nogle af de mest aktive aktører i markedet og har et bredt netværk og indgående kendskab til ejendoms- og byggebranchen. Vi er kendt for at levere højt specialiseret rådgivning præget af en innovativ og stærkt forretnings- og løsningsorienteret tilgang. 

Mazanti Real Estate arbejder på tværs, og hvert team sammensættes og skræddersyes i henhold til sagen og de specialistkompetencer der skal til for, at vi hurtigst og mest omkostningseffektivt kan levere det bedste resultat. Når behovet opstår, indhenter vi yderligere specialistkompetencer fra andre afdelinger som eksempelvis finans og konkurrenceret

Læs mere om vores ekspertise indenfor:


Great availability, know our business in detail, creative in the discussion of solutions both legally and commercial. Our trusted adviser over many years.

Very much has a commercial view of issues on top of legal knowledge.

Mazanti-Andersen’s practice stands out for its client-centric approach, offering tailored solutions to meet specific client needs. The diverse team collaborates seamlessly to deliver comprehensive services, leveraging innovative technologies. Embracing diversity and continuous improvement, prioritize exceptional client satisfaction and sustainability. These unique strengths position them as a standout choice in providing personalised, innovative, and comprehensive service experiences.

Mazanti’s real estate team advises on highly complex development projects as well as transactions and the firm’s construction specialists are among the best in Denmark. The firm is characterized by their service level, responsiveness, and commercial approach.

Very high service level, excellent at finding solutions, and their commercial awareness is unique.

I am very confident in the advice I receive from Mazanti, which enables me to make the choices and decisions that are expected of me from my organization.

Mazanti-Andersen is a specialized and commercially oriented law firm. They have a wide range of specialised knowledge within the Danish real estate market. I will recommend them at any time.

Professional, dynamic, experienced, and able to find creative solutions to complex problems.

They know our business, are creative in finding solutions, and have a broad range of relevant knowledge. They are competent in their approach and focused on the relevant matters. They do not complicate matters and have good relations with other parts of the real estate market

The expertise is very high, and we have a very personal and direct dialogue

Mazanti-Andersen provides a high level of senior attention to cases. Due to the experience in the team they also contribute positively with valuable commercial insights and know-how from other projects.

Compared to other law firms, the close personal and trusted relationship with the client seems to be unique and highly value adding

Mazanti delivers on time and the partners conduct themselves in a respectful manner towards opposing lawyers and other parties involved. From my experience, they are always trying to be constructive and deal-oriented

Shows great interest in our work and understands our core business

Great availability, know our business in detail, creative in the discussion of solutions both legally and commercial. Our trusted adviser over many years.

Very much has a commercial view of issues on top of legal knowledge.

Mazanti-Andersen’s practice stands out for its client-centric approach, offering tailored solutions to meet specific client needs. The diverse team collaborates seamlessly to deliver comprehensive services, leveraging innovative technologies. Embracing diversity and continuous improvement, prioritize exceptional client satisfaction and sustainability. These unique strengths position them as a standout choice in providing personalised, innovative, and comprehensive service experiences.

Mazanti’s real estate team advises on highly complex development projects as well as transactions and the firm’s construction specialists are among the best in Denmark. The firm is characterized by their service level, responsiveness, and commercial approach.

Very high service level, excellent at finding solutions, and their commercial awareness is unique.

I am very confident in the advice I receive from Mazanti, which enables me to make the choices and decisions that are expected of me from my organization.

Mazanti-Andersen is a specialized and commercially oriented law firm. They have a wide range of specialised knowledge within the Danish real estate market. I will recommend them at any time.

Professional, dynamic, experienced, and able to find creative solutions to complex problems.

They know our business, are creative in finding solutions, and have a broad range of relevant knowledge. They are competent in their approach and focused on the relevant matters. They do not complicate matters and have good relations with other parts of the real estate market

The expertise is very high, and we have a very personal and direct dialogue

Mazanti-Andersen provides a high level of senior attention to cases. Due to the experience in the team they also contribute positively with valuable commercial insights and know-how from other projects.

Compared to other law firms, the close personal and trusted relationship with the client seems to be unique and highly value adding

Mazanti delivers on time and the partners conduct themselves in a respectful manner towards opposing lawyers and other parties involved. From my experience, they are always trying to be constructive and deal-oriented

Shows great interest in our work and understands our core business