
Insolvens & Rekonstruktion

Når en virksomhed er økonomisk udfordret, er det vigtigt at handle hurtigt og kompetent. Vi involverer os derfor gerne så tidligt som muligt for at begrænse tab, og for at give vores klienter det bedste overblik samt den bedst mulige løsning. 

To af vores partnere er udpeget af Sø- og Handelsretten som faste medhjælpere, og de er dermed offentlighedens repræsentanter i konkursboer samt i sager om tvungen likvidation af selskaber.

Mazanti-Andersen arbejder sammen med de væsentligste pengeinstitutter i Danmark i insolvensretlige sager.

Vi har været udpeget som kuratorer i en række store konkurskomplekser, herunder Accumulator-koncernen/Klaus Riskær Pedersen, Margarinefabrikken Grønvang, Stones Invest A/S –koncernen, Blockbuster A/S, Merlin A/S, Tæppeland, Erik Damgaard Porteføljeinvest m.fl.

Vi forestår bobehandling og yder juridisk rådgivning inden for alle områder, herunder:


The insolvency team has strong business acumen, combined with solid legal skills and a direct, no nonsense approach to getting the deal done.

The team are always eager to find a solution.

Great people, who put themselves in their client shoes.

The firm’s strength is their highly professional standards as well as years of experience.

The team is service minded, and has a high level of knowledge. They are experts with wide knowledge. The team is very pragmatic and solution oriented.

Mazanti-Andersen is very experienced in the insolvency field in general. The team's very good in-depth knowledge of its cases makes its solutions very well founded.

It is a very effective and sophisticated team

The team is known for its longstanding presence in the market, earning praise for its strong caseload of complex mandates

Team members have extensive experience acting as trustees of bankruptcy estates. Noted for deftly handling insolvency mandates with cross-border elements

The team's very pragmatic and their solution-oriented approach makes us always feel that we achieve the best possible result

The insolvency team has strong business acumen, combined with solid legal skills and a direct, no nonsense approach to getting the deal done.

The team are always eager to find a solution.

Great people, who put themselves in their client shoes.

The firm’s strength is their highly professional standards as well as years of experience.

The team is service minded, and has a high level of knowledge. They are experts with wide knowledge. The team is very pragmatic and solution oriented.

Mazanti-Andersen is very experienced in the insolvency field in general. The team's very good in-depth knowledge of its cases makes its solutions very well founded.

It is a very effective and sophisticated team

The team is known for its longstanding presence in the market, earning praise for its strong caseload of complex mandates

Team members have extensive experience acting as trustees of bankruptcy estates. Noted for deftly handling insolvency mandates with cross-border elements

The team's very pragmatic and their solution-oriented approach makes us always feel that we achieve the best possible result