

Vi fører talrige sager for danske domstole på alle niveauer, herunder for Højesteret, og vi bistår danske parter i samarbejder med lokale kollegaer i udenlandske retssager. Herudover fører vi voldgiftssager i blandt andet Voldgiftsinstituttet, ICC og Voldgiftsnævnet for bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed.

Derfor har vi et indgående kendskab til de formelle juridiske og praktiske rammer for, hvordan sager skal struktureres og præsenteres for at opnå det mest optimale resultat. Vi leder vores klienter trygt igennem en retssag eller voldgiftssag, og sikrer en omkostningseffektiv og resultatorienteret løsning.

Med nogle af Danmarks mest prominente og komplicerede rets- og voldgiftssager bag os er vi blevet et af landets foretrukne advokatfirmaer til at hjælpe i lignende situationer.

Vi arbejder i tværfaglige teams og kan trække på relevant fagekspertise fra vores øvrige faggrupper, men den ledende partner på sagen vil stadig være ansvarlig.

Vores procesadvokater repræsenterer blandt andet klienter i fire af de syv store retssager anlagt af den danske stat mod de tidligere ledelsesmedlemmer i en række danske banker, der gik konkurs i kølvandet på finanskrisen. 


Mazanti-Andersen has provided us and our clients with an unparalelled service in Denmark, being a full-service practice with very competent lawyers. The firm’s strength is their comprehensive expertise and their ability to allocate each matter to the right professional.

Very good at understanding our business and thereby giving more than just legal advice. Mazanti are extremely knowledgeable within several legal areas which is very helpful for our business which works across both private and public areas.

The team has exceptional experience, and provides a very big picture view on matters.

The team is very dedicated and serious with a high degree of integrity and knowledge.

The team has a personal approach to finding the best solutions. The team includes commercial interest and a great understanding of commercial renting in the process of finding an amicable solution through negotiations.

We have a long cooperation with MA. They are spot on when it comes to making quick decisions and very well connected. I feel Philip Thorsen is always available.

Hardworking and diligent in all perspectives and matters. Fast answers and advice with a firm look at the client’s cost base and commercial aspects.

Persistent and creative team, they seek solutions and new angles to the case.

Mazanti-Andersen has a really strong team with smart people who also have a well-developed sense of humour. A rare quality in a Danish law firm. They combine excellent legal knowledge with likeable personal traits.

Professionally qualified and service minded.

Mazanti delivers on time and the partners conduct themselves in a respectful manner towards opposing lawyers and other parties involved. From my experience, they are always trying to be constructive and deal-oriented

Very much hands on with full partner attention into all matters

The team is experienced in acting for international and Danish clients in complex disputes, with a particular expertise in cases arising from the financial crisis

The team is always prepared within a short response time and with a specialist in the field

The lawyers are extremely skilled and have long-standing experience

The team thoroughly familiarises itself with the case and examines all facets that gave rise to the disagreement with the other party. They do so in a very efficient and supportive way for the client

The lawyers are always very efficient in both their work and correspondence

Mazanti-Andersen has provided us and our clients with an unparalelled service in Denmark, being a full-service practice with very competent lawyers. The firm’s strength is their comprehensive expertise and their ability to allocate each matter to the right professional.

Very good at understanding our business and thereby giving more than just legal advice. Mazanti are extremely knowledgeable within several legal areas which is very helpful for our business which works across both private and public areas.

The team has exceptional experience, and provides a very big picture view on matters.

The team is very dedicated and serious with a high degree of integrity and knowledge.

The team has a personal approach to finding the best solutions. The team includes commercial interest and a great understanding of commercial renting in the process of finding an amicable solution through negotiations.

We have a long cooperation with MA. They are spot on when it comes to making quick decisions and very well connected. I feel Philip Thorsen is always available.

Hardworking and diligent in all perspectives and matters. Fast answers and advice with a firm look at the client’s cost base and commercial aspects.

Persistent and creative team, they seek solutions and new angles to the case.

Mazanti-Andersen has a really strong team with smart people who also have a well-developed sense of humour. A rare quality in a Danish law firm. They combine excellent legal knowledge with likeable personal traits.

Professionally qualified and service minded.

Mazanti delivers on time and the partners conduct themselves in a respectful manner towards opposing lawyers and other parties involved. From my experience, they are always trying to be constructive and deal-oriented

Very much hands on with full partner attention into all matters

The team is experienced in acting for international and Danish clients in complex disputes, with a particular expertise in cases arising from the financial crisis

The team is always prepared within a short response time and with a specialist in the field

The lawyers are extremely skilled and have long-standing experience

The team thoroughly familiarises itself with the case and examines all facets that gave rise to the disagreement with the other party. They do so in a very efficient and supportive way for the client

The lawyers are always very efficient in both their work and correspondence