Advokat, partner

Frederik B. Hasling

Frederik B. Hasling er specialiseret i Venture Capital og Private Equity.

Han har ledet adskillige finansieringsrunder med en samlet værdi i milliardklassen og rådgiver om alt fra pre-seed til late-stage VC og vækstkapitalfinansiering, etablering og drift af fonde, governance og strategiske beslutninger.

Med en pragmatisk og hands-on tilgang rådgiver han high-growth virksomheder samt fonde og investorer med at navigere gennem virksomhedens livscyklus – fra den indledende strukturering til exit og videre derfra.

Han rådgiver både internationale og danske klienter, herunder venturefonde, P/E-fonde, ventureselskaber, business angels og startups, der opererer på tværs af sektorer med særligt fokus på tech og life science.

Frederik er desuden medlem af Aktive Ejeres regulatoriske udvalg.

Speciale inden for



Hanne Mikkelsen

+45 3319 3762


Frederik Hasling is in a class of his own – he is the most business oriented lawyer who can balance getting results along with protecting the business interests long term.

Frederik Hasling is on the ball, versatile, competent and always at our disposal. He delivers high quality work within the promised deadlines.

On negotiations, Frederik Hasling takes an active role in shaping the outcomes and over the course of our collaboration he has many times been instrumental to landing the agreement.

Frederik Hasling has shown an enormous amount of grit and has been ready to deliver an extraordinary service. Frederik has unique insights in the industry, he is not only a thought leader, and an ecosystem & networking expert, but also proves to be capable of delivering detailed insights on various legal and non-legal matters.

Mazanti is our go-to legal powerhouse in all matters pertaining to running our venture funds, be it fund establishment, fund management, employee and partner agreements, deal flow and portfolio work, or compliance and reporting towards financial authorities.

Mazanti is the most specialised law firm in the Nordics on venture capital. They are extremely dynamic and agile, adjusting their services to meet the venture industry’s challenges, potentially aiming to be a full-scale service provider for clients in this industry.

Karriere og uddannelse

  • 2016
    Partner (equity), Mazanti-Andersen
  • 2011
    Associeret partner, Mazanti-Andersen
  • 2007
    Advokat, Mazanti-Andersen
  • 2004
    Advokatfuldmægtig, Mazanti-Andersen
  • 2004